Data Analysis

Turn your data into knowledge and business

We provide data collection, processing and exploitation services to obtain knowledge-based information to improve decision-making within a company, generate new market opportunities, improve inventory management, etc.

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Working With

Data Analysis Services you can use

Data Collection

We carry out the search and aggregation of data to obtain relevant knowledge for your organization from different sources such as ERPs, CRMs, inventories, purchase orders, payroll, sales, customer inquiries, own databases, IOT (sensors), mails, pdf documents, excel files, social networks, etc.

Web Data Extraction

Through the use of techniques and tools we can collect information of importance to your business from own or public web APIs, web pages, blogs, forums, social networks, online databases, etc.
Characteristics of our services

Data quality

The quality of the data used in a mining process determines whether the results obtained correspond to reality or not. That is why we take into account the 6 dimensions of data quality in all our processes .


Information is the most important value of any organization and for this reason we take this responsibility with all the seriousness it deserves. We use data management protocols, VPN networks, secure SSH connections, encryption of data and other measures that allow your data to be safe during the mining process, in addition you can at any time request the total or partial deletion of your data that is in our custody.

Data Analysis

Benefits you can use in your company

  • Can be deployed on both new systems and existing platforms.
  • We analyze a large amount of data in the shortest possible time.
  • Discovery of behavior patterns.
  • Classification or association of products to clients.
  • Data cleanliness and completeness.
  • Make profitable adjustments to operation and production.
  • Support in the decision-making process.
  • Facilitates automated prediction of trends and behaviors, as well as automated discovery of hidden patterns.